Operative Systems.
The answer about what are the Operative Systems, requires remember some concepts. So far we have spoken about components of any computer system and did a basic division whose components are the Hardware and Software.
We also saw the definitions and variety of both components and also did a tour of their functions in the system We also saw the definitions and variety of both components and also did a tour of their functions in the system.
Comes to see how the system works and for that we have to define what is an operative system and its important role in the interrelation:
The operative system is a piece of Software that interact to all components of the Hardware (CPU and Input/Output devices) together with Software applications and both with the system user.
It is important to note that when we say “interact” we are talking about communicating and interpreting physical and virtual functions of operation and from the three components of the system.
In other words, we cannot speak of a computer system, without the presence of an operating system. Its most important functions are:
- Structuring the file system to be used by the Software that is installed.
- Accommodate all drivers programs for the input/output peripherals connected to your computer (drivers).
- Serve as program of the boot of the system, and keep monitoring the performance of this.
- Host a series of intrinsic system tools to solve the problems of compatibility between the installed Software and input/output peripherals.
- Manage the system resources such as processor usage and management of the working memory and information storage systems.
Major classifications of Operative Systems.
They can be classified mainly depending on:
- Number of users: multi-user or single-user
- Number of tasks simultaneously: multi-tasking or single-tasking
- Runtime: real time and deferred time.
Most Relevant Operating Systems.
Over time many operative systems have been generated by different Software makers in partnerships with Hardware manufacturers, and most of them have tried to generate a market standard. Systems that have endured over time, are those who have achieved more support by developers of commercial Software..
According to different platforms, large groups that have endured over time are:
MS-Dos: It was the first standard in the market and practically captured the attention of manufacturers of Hardware and Software Developers of the age.
Windows: Since its first launch with Windows 3.1 up to the current Windows 10, including Windows NT network, this family of operative systems, thanks to its graphical user interface, has been the most popular of all operating systems.
Mac Os: In all its versions, and because the exclusivity in the popular brand Apple computers, has been one of the most widely used operative systems.
Unix: Including its free version: Linux, this operative system has continued to gain in popularity thanks to its versatility handling graphics, texts, and mathematical operations, in addition to its multi-tasking and multi-user ability.
And in the most recent mobile platforms include:
Android, the consent of Google. the IOS for mobile devices from Apple and to a lesser degree the Blackberry BBOS.
It is important to note that there are currently very few exclusive applications to one or another operative system, since most of the large companies in Software development, as well as a large number of independent developers, has worked on the adaptation of their programs to different operative systems.
Is it the developers of applications for mobile, those who have not renounced their diversification into all operating systems with their corresponding markets.
Even exist in the Software market, applications that simulate a (virtual) operating system, running from one platform with another installed.