Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence

Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence, an explosive combination.

While it is true that we do not consider it risky to use the Internet of Things for the purposes of affecting Privacy, it is not the same for us when we think on the connection between the Internet of Things andinternet of things and artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence.

Perhaps we are influenced by the way in which the film industry has used the man-machine relationship looking for attractive arguments and scripts of action, science fiction, etc. Examples abound in films such as:

  • Terminator Saga
  • Matrix Saga
  • I Robot
  • Ex-Machina
  • RoboCop Saga
  • Bicentennial Man
  • Artificial Intelligence

And many others, in which the common place is the Intelligent machine rebelled against the man who created it and whom it intends to exterminate to give rise to the Machine Age. It is obvious that it is an attractive subject, for Screenplays, but something manipulative to keep the viewer in a situation of alertness and suspense.

From the point of view of the concept of intelligence, artificial or not, there are a series of definitions that include the ability of reasoning, choice, adaptation to the medium, interpretation of the sense figurative, etc. But all the definitions include a pair of terms that, for us, are the critical element of intelligence and they are learning ability and memory.

Software as a decisive element.

If we consider the capabilities of information storage, speed in decision making as a result of a mathematical exercise called algorithm, the ability to communicate with the source of knowledge which man has digitized and advances in robotics, we can assume that the only limitation to self-determination would be software that unites all these elements.

Today, the science has achieved get devices that are capable of compete internet of things and artificial intelligenceand overcome to the man in “its own territory”. For example, capacity biological all the superior beings, consisting of the existence of the 5 senses: touch, hearing, smell, vision and taste, has been able to be matched and surpassed by technology and inventiveness of the human being.

The capacity of Reproduction, one of the wonders of living beings, is reduced, for a machine that wants to “reproduce”, to a Workshop with some pieces and the appropriate tools.

We have as an advantage, only the capacity of reasoning that allows our brain to humans, but as a disadvantage, very large indeed, the existence of physical pain and, above all, the sentimental, of which the machine is exempt. This is something to worry about when we talk about Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

To what extent with existing tools, Software developers were successful in that a machine is capable of “thinking, reasoning and learning”, controlling at the same time the emergence of “evil thoughts” such as envy, jealousy, greed, and, above all, the lust for power?

If Humanity has not managed to get rid of those “bad thoughts” itself, how to get the software developer not, consciously or unconsciously; transmit those “feelings” to the machines?

The answer to these questions will decide the direction in which the man take the development and linking of the Internet of things and Artificial Intelligence.

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Internet of things and privacy.

Internet of things and privacy questioned.

One of the topics most debated by the detractors of this technological leap is the Internet of Things and Privacy.privacy-on-risk

In a modern world where power is directly and proportionally associated with the handling of Information, there have been many arguments that question the use of the Internet of Things.

And precisely, what are the technological advances that make it possible, such as the miniaturization of elements ranging from simple sensors of all kinds, to microphones, cameras, etc. Have generated an intense debate based on the use of terms such as:

  • Spying on consumption habits.
  • Lost of the privacy on the decision-making of buys.
  • Advantage for the anticipated knowledge of Consumer reactions.

And while it is true that from the point of view of “technical” all this is possible, it is also certain that there are, and in the case that is not sufficient to create, regulatory mechanisms that determine the limits of type and magnitude of captures of Information. Of this way, this theme could leave of view as a kidnapping to the free takes of decisions from the consumer and is let of talk with panic alarmist of the Internet of the things and the privacy “lost”.

More advantages than risks.

The possibilities open to Man, with the development and application of Internet of things and privacythe Internet of Things, are practically endless. Industrial processes of manufacturing, management of Raw Material and Finished products Inventories, feedback of information to start the cycle of continuous improvement, early detection of wear or malfunction, in short, the use of information that makes us think in “lost of Privacy “, may be used inter alia to:

  • Process Optimization
  • Faults Prevention
  • Increase personal and business security
  • Automation
  • Access to the information timely
  • Location of assets
  • Optimization of inventory management
  • Many, many more applications.

Finally, there are in fact many more advantages than risks in the massive and unprejudiced application of feedback and automatism technology that form the epicenter of the concept of Internet of Things.

Mankind should and must prepare for this technological leap. As advances in computers, communications, robotics, use and generation of power and accessories for sensing and capture information are ready and more than proved.

And the detractors of the implementation, should rather devote is to think as normalize and regulate the use of the technology, so nobody can tell that there are conflicts of leak of information that contrasted to the Internet of things and privacy.

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Technological bases IoT. Internet of Things

Internet of things. Technological bases IoT.

The development of equipment of mobile technology, whose best representation is given in smartphones and smart watches or as we might call it: “Wearable technology“, is an important advance in the figure of what will become the Internet of things (IoT). In essence, these devices make use of the technological Bases IoT which will enable the existence of a world of “Things” Interconnected, including exchanging information on their respective environments and not, necessarily, only with the man.
These technological Bases IoT are as follows:

• Capacity of collection of information.

The existence of sensors and of devices of captures such as the systems ofTechnological Bases IoT recognition of voice and sounds, recognition of images, sensors of temperature, sensors of movement, sensors of light, detectors of smells, and another great amount of elements, gives “to the things” something similar to our 5 senses.

• Large capacity of storage of information.

With every passing day, the man goes drastically reducing the space required to store information. And the now common use of permanent memories that do not require energy for their conservation, converts any space into “too big” to hold digitized information.

• Information processing capacity.

Size, smaller than ever, and processing speed, increasingly larger, as well as the existence of multiprocessing or connection tandem processors, makes every day Software developers use them to “think” in a similar way to how we humans do.

• Capacity of communication with other devices.

Technology of exchange of information through digital packages that “travel” on radio frequency waves bidirectionally, in spaces of unlimited transmission capacity, given the possibilities of using frequency bands ranges from very low (on the order of hundreds of HZ) up to ranges of ultra high frequency (in the order of the gigaherzts), leave without effect any restriction on the transfer and receipt of information.

• Optimizing the use of energy for all processes.

Together with the possibilities of “energy capture” environmental such as removable light, wind and tides, and recent research on the absorption of energy by induction, form the most important limitation that man arises at the thought the possibility of incorporating “things” to a trillion Network components “autonomous” able to interact with each other without involving himself, and settle for what we call the Internet of things (IoT).

It is estimated that the average human being is surrounded, at all times, Technological Bases IoTregardless of where you are, some 3,000 “things” or inanimate objects.
We talk about things ranging from your shoes (those who have jobs and those who are in your closet), to the books that has its Office. And everyone communicating it and interacting between them… and with the man.

Some examples?

Imagine a shoe warning its owner on a slippery surface that he has not detected!
Can you Imagine a washing machine contacting its manufacturer Service Center to notify an irregular vibration in its operation?
Imagine a shelf in a supermarket ask store stocked being a product that is sold out on its top, or removal of a product that reached the closing date for the sale!
We could go on putting amazing examples and you would smile while wondering if we are crazy, only partially or totally!
Join us in the following Post to get together some conclusions concerning.
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Internet of Things. Fiction or Reality?

Introduction to the World of Internet of Things.

The basic concept of Internet of Things or IoT (Internet of Things abbreviation) is based on the possibility of granting the ability to interface and exchange information, to all objects around us. This definition apparently simple has a background with implications that could shake up the way that humans get involved with technology and everyday applications.

The premises and the surroundings that surround to this concept of Internet of things, have changed since it was raised for the first time at the end of the 20th century. What for that then seemed a dream too far and futuristic to give much importance, has been approaching at breakneck speed in the last four or five years.

New Technologies and Improvement of the existing.

The evolution of information technology in recent years has been based on an explosive development of Hardware elements, led by processors of high capacity and processing speed, as well as the integration of new elementsInternet of Things RFID of input and output such as touch screens, voice recognition devices, capture images and reading of bodily signals systems, satellite positioning systems, and many more.

At the same time, the technological capability of solid-state components manufacturing has been declining sizes of all these devices, to the point of be able to integrate extensive combinations of all these elements, in spaces barely visible to the human eye.

Development and Evolution of Communications and Energy Conversion Systems.

Another element to consider is the evolution in wireless communications technology. All these systems of transmission and reception of signals and information packets that have increasing physical scope and have been made more efficient in energy consumption have been achieved.

On the other hand, there is a rapid development in the exploration of sources of generation and energy storage in an autonomous way, such as solar panels, energy capture by induction, eolic generators, etc. It also occurs with optimization of the requirement of physical space of these elements.


In conclusion, the proposals seemed like a futuristic fiction at the Internet of Things Label RFIDbeginning of 2000, have become an imminent reality for which we must prepare ourselves psychologically, given its implications in changing concepts such as Privacy and Self-determination, but even more complex implications on the interrelationship between countries, governments, companies, etc.

If this sounds very dramatic, imagine for a moment the following scenario:

In the “X” Company there is a meeting of the technical Board of Directors, for the submission of a prototype of the product “Y”. It has no competition in the market as it is a new concept.

The projector they are using for the presentation, lives up to the term Internet of Things (IoT). It is “connected” permanently to Computers of the Service Department at Company Manufacturer “Z”.

 And this Manufacturer is “accidentally” managing a Project Research and Development of a “W” product. This product is similar to the product cut “Y” being presented at the Meeting.

It sounds like a fiction film mixed with Industrial espionage! Isn’t it?

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